Cacao and Sound Healing
Cacao and Sound Healing

If you want a wedding party or conscious corporate event that goes far beyond usual eating, drinking and mingling, you've come to the right place. Creating a special bond between participants by involving them in activities that deepen awareness, empathy and well-being is our goal.

Cacaoo ceremony with sound healing session

Cacao is being used in ceremony since the Inkas and the Mayas. It works differently within each person depending on our needs and intention. It is full of vital nutrients and it increases clarity, creativity and gives you energy. It is also known to open your heart for deeper connection with yourself and others.

The pure cacao (ceremonial grade, not the ordinary you can find in stores) is mixed into a warm drink and offered in a ceremony.

Cacao purifies and activates the heart into the frequency of love and together with the sound healing session allows you to come into union with yourself and your loved ones, eliminating stress, clearing the mind, allowing you to be more free, more open and more love to flow.

Contact me for more details ❤