MEM gong yoga
MEM gong yoga

MEM= Muscles, Emotions, Meridians

Gong Yoga is a combination of breathing exercises, body movement, intention and sound to release old patterns and emotions that reside on our bodies. Promoting health, wellness and a deeper sense of fulfilment.

During each classe we work on a specific theme, the meridians associated with it, the specific muscles that activate these meridians and the emotions linked to these meridians. To that we add an intention, an affirmation, breathing exercises and the sound of the gongs.

After a short serie of body movements combine with breathing exercises we lay down for a Gong bath.

The Gong is the only tool known to men that can bring you from Beta (awake state, analytical thinking) to Theta (lucid dreams, hypnosis, deep meditation) in few seconds.

In Theta your body and muscles are completely relaxed, your internal organs and immune system operate effectively, your heart beat, respiration and blood pressure slow down and you wake up rejuvenated, renewed and refreshed.

This is the state when healing takes place, stress is melted away, worries have vanished.

In Theta you are able to access your subconscious mind and change the beliefs and patterns of behaviour that no longer serve you. This is why we work with an intention and affirmations.

After a Gong bath you open up and experience a deeper connection to yourself. You get more clarity. You expand into a place of love and truth within yourself.

Individual or group classes for beginners and advanced practitioners .

Duration: 1h15

15€ per class

Location: Budva, Bar, Tivat. Other locations upon request.

Online classes on zoom every Saturday from 9h to 10h15